
Intern tries to merge a huge commit without knowing what he's doing. Breaks half the app. I'm at 30 min and counting of having to fix everything he broke.

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    If you don't know what you're doing, ask. Don't blindly do and commit code.
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    Why dont you rollback?
  • 4
    Everyone is allowed one of these in their career. Two is unforgivable :)
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    @datahack I had code written when I pulled. Wasn't sure how to go back without nuking my work. My git knowledge isn't the best. The main problem was he didn't even look at he files to check to see if they were right before pushing
  • 2
    git stash brah :)
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    @Nexion take him under your wing, you might be surprised.
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    @RobertBickers I've tried and tried. Kid has no work ethic. I give him a task and if he can't find the method to do it he just sits there on his phone and gives up. Doesn't ask for help, just stops working.
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    @Nexion That's a real shame.
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    Why is the *intern* doing that substantial of a merge? Am I missing something? (I'm pretty junior myself, so it's a serious question. I don't do merges that affect much yet, and it's safer that way)
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    Continuous Integration
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    @fmlfmlfml was a local merge on his computer. Really I should have done it for him.
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    Why was the intern even allowed to merge? :/
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    @Nexion so it shouldn't be a big deal if it was local no ? he is there to learn ( obviously if he wishes too ) I'd try to talk with him if I was you,see if he is motivated else report to HR.(i am a soon to be intern myself)
  • 2
    scare the shit out of that intern!!! but while doing so, make sure to instill some learning so that he'll be a big promise to the industry! :)
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