Bored. Let's make the 100th clone of Pong!

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    what are you going to do it in?
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    @neumann I usually use Monogame for C#.
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    There are definitely more than 100.
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    I actually did this with a friend at our first year of college in XNA. I think I still have it on github, but I'm afraid to look at the code ^^'
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    When I got my pebble watch I made two player pong for it in C.

    I think pong is a good way to learn new languages / frameworks because the game itself is simple.
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    @koreus7 i must admit i have nver done a pong game. but its definetly a good way t0 learnšŸ¤” so i need to do 3 c#, python and js if i want to call myself a dev in these languages. Should pong be the new todo app ?
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