Startup Ideas???

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    Banana Peeling as a Service.
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    Game dev.
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    Startup idea sharing tool
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    Git-based porn-site.
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    Something like Pied Piper
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    @metamourge I like this!
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    pBay. eBay for prostitutes.
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    Block chain based machine learning cloud security services.
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    @thoxx do your best to put porn into it and you will get 1mil investment
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    I think we need to fix journalism as a whole...

    Find a way to push journalists to write without the bias or pressure of an editor, make sure facts are always straight etc...

    Twitch for journalism
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    A brothel but recommendations based on AI, data driven services (eg determine what your clients will want depending on the scenario), AR integrated (Wear glasses and watch your partner transform into your fantasy), Vr integrated (option to record everything from your POV and have it turned into VR so you can experience it over and over), IoT toys, and blockchain (smart contracts for prostitutes, flag abusive clients with a vote system, verify prostitute using their crypto address), maybe some integrations with the Hub too, companion app that's like tinder but for escorts

    Save $ by using robots 😣

    (/s pls don't actually make this)
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    @irene like Google buying pornhub 🤔
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    @cursee a start-up for creating start-ups idea based on PORN
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    Typewriter shop.
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    Let's be honest. None of us are actually gonna do any of this shit.
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