
I wonder if my worth as a developer right now really is only $40K/year...

  • 7
    I don’t know where you’re from but in Canada that’s only a little more than I made at a generic customer service office job with no education or qualifications so

    I’d say you’re worth more.

    Check out glass door, or just google average developer salary for your location to cross reference!
  • 4
    Dude $40k isn’t shit. How can you live on that
  • 3
    Depends on where you live, where I'm from that's a large amount of money. Even large companies like Microsoft pay lesser than that (starting salaries).
  • 1
    That's less than crap pay for here, too. (Nevada)
  • 2
    Depends on location, business / company and what minimum wage actually is.

    As a junior I would expect you to be somewhere around the $40-45k mark but then again it comes down to where and what you do.
  • 1
    Sounds about right for entry level in my area (BC). Although I've heard, and know, of people that make much less than that
  • 1
    It's quite a lot ánd it's absolute shit. Until you provide some context
  • 1
    @beegC0de where in BC?? Average starting salary in Victoria is 60k... that’s what I’ve been banking on for when I graduate! Total waste to be going further into debt with student loans for a 40k..
  • 4
    I make U$17k / year without considering taxes... And it isn't a bad salary here...
  • 1
    @hell same here
  • 0
    @hell where?
  • 1
    @baeovvulf Okanagan. Unless you need grants from your school for projects, get out ASAP. Also, damn you Victorians; stole a job right out from under my nose :^)
  • 0
    @hell ☹🤗
  • 0
    I live in northern Germany, and feel rather underpaid with ~70k/year.
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  • 0
    I mean it depends on so much. Yea I took that much right out of school but I'm not in a city or high col area and I knew I'd have the chance to get raises once I've proved myself as an employee. I also didn't have really and prior experience except 2 freelance jobs that did not go great. I've moved up a good bit since then. I also had mediocre gpa so different strokes for different folks
  • 1
    I make $110k and it still sucks. Dream not realized
  • 0
    @growling you prolly need some r/personalfinance and r/financialindependence in your life
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