Damn, these were some stressfull 6 hours.

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    @CoffeeNcode thank you for that, but unfortunately the day is not over yet, it's just calmer now
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    Can we ask why? I'm in suspense here!
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    @AlmondSauce long story short, a lot of errors that needed to be fixed right away.

    The worst one was a guy that had a doctors appointment, but couldn't leave until we fixed an error he was getting. I didn't know how to fix it myself so I asked for help, but somehow my co-workers though fixing another guy's phone was more important than this guy's appointment (I didn't get what the other problem was, but from what I heard I guess something with bluetooth?)

    We had this error since 10:30am, but other errors started appearing as well, so we kind of left it behind (before he told us he had an appointment). To be fair, he could have told us what he did to get the error right away, but only told us once he realised we wouldn't be able to fix it in time.
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    @AlmondSauce A lof of people calling all the time with different problems, one guy had no internet so I had to go to him and check what the problem was (it was the cable, but still, in the middle of all that it seemed like a lot). One guy had a slow tablet, I spent over 30min trying to connect to his tablet because he couldn't install the app we needed. And when he did, he had to install an ad-on. 10 more minutes for that.

    The phone still hasn't stopped ringing today.
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