
- Learn to touch type Dvorak
- Set all Qwerty keyboards to Dvorak
- Watch as no one can use your computer.

  • 5
    add a trackball mouse and you're set, I've done this and it keeps the boss off my station.
  • 1
    I switched to Dvorak years ago. It's still amusing seeing people's reactions when they try to type!
  • 2
    - Watch as you can't use anyone's computer
  • 0
    @tahnik not really correct, and why would you want to use someone else's computer?
  • 2
    @sylar182 Why would anyone want to use your computer?
  • 1
    @tahnik haven't figured that one out, but more times than I would like I've found my boss at my desk with code open. Not exactly something I like to find
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