
Im a complete back end guy, decided to learn a js framework......

var whatToLearn = rand("angular", "react", " vue");

Suggestions..... :/

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    What backend frameworks do you know?
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    Vue for sure.
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    @Codex404 currently working on spring mvc
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    @xewl any particular reasons.....😶
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    @de17 I noticed, especially for newcomers to these frameworks, that Vue is the easiest to understand, and far less bloated to do what you expect it to do. React and Angular 2 or higher will be a breeze to understand if you can understand what Vue does.

    Also, the documentation is a fresh breeze in the wind compared to those particular other two. (meaning that you can almost learn it, whilst just going through it)
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    @electron what he said.
    vue is like the modern jquery. It's a nice extension to html. And a easy start. Here is a good starter tutorial https://scrimba.com/g/glearnvue

    While react and angular is nearly a own programming language.
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    If you worked with java I would say Angular because of typed things because of typescript.
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    Vue and don't switch to neither React or Angular unless you absolutely have to!
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    @DanijelH why so...?
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    @de17 trolol angular is that corporate no fun framework only used by indian code sweatshops for big banks. 🤪
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    Because regarding only framework wise, Vue is the best framework to know of the three and Vue version 3.0 will make even further leap ahead. It did not become the most starred project on Github without a reason and without Facebook or Google behind them to throw millions of dollars at development, marketing etc. Regarding job opportunities that depends on what the situation like around you :)
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    @DanijelH when will vue 3 be released?
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    @Codex404 Hard to give it an exact estimate but I reckon in about ~6 months(don't take my word on it). Search for Evan You's slides about Vue 3.0 :)
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    There is nothing inherently wring with either or. Remember thar devs are fucking opinionated about their tools like no other.

    If you like static typing then angular makes sense since by default it brings Typescript with it. Amazing environment, easy to understand(although harder than the other 2) and the way it deals with separation of concerns makes a fuckload of sense. MVC so if you are using mvc already on a spring backend this will fit right in.

    React is powerful, has a different coding paradigm from Angular since react points more towards reactive functional programming. JSX is pretty intuitive. Actually, the way React handles state as well as many other things is pretty intuitive imho.

    Vue is amazing really, out of the 3 I would say that this mixes a perfect balance of simplicity and power. Its really easy to learn and enjoyable to use.

    Nothing stops you from learning all 3 btw :)
  • 3
    @AleCx04 Learning all 3 is a waste of time.

    JSX is not intuitive, it's PHP in Javascript. (makes sense because Facebook was initially written in PHP, their devs were fine with it, I am not!) Also, React is too much work! You have to handle performance optimizations yourself, no 2-way data binding. React library is created by Facebook, router, redux and other are by some other people. When you combine them you get Frankensteins' monster of code, horrible!

    TypeScript is gr8 but the inability to opt opt-out of it for smaller projects or one-man job projects is just ridiculous. Also, what if I want to use flow? Also also, with Angular, what if you get a multi-page app and you need to untangle 2, 3 or more pages from jQuery spaghetti. Congrats, Angular is useless. Angular is for SPA's only.

    I am not opinionated, I am telling you Vue is the best of three, period!
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    @DanijelH that is opinionated bs...there really ain't two ways about it.

    All 3 projects have helped me immensely in my professional career. I stick to my beliefs about learning as much as I can and I believe op should too.

    Vue is the best tho
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    @AleCx04 No, those are concrete facts! I am really glad that they helped you but the question here is which to choose and I stand by it firmly! You're not gonna learn Spring, .NET MVC and Rails(Ruby) aren't you? It's not worth it to learn them all. It's better to know one and know it good! I can tell you a ton of reasons why to choose Vue between the three. I even gave a few presentations on the topic. It's late, I'm on mobile and going to sleep. Op, good luck :)
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    @DanijelH lmao are you a student by any chance? In the real world you work with multiple tech stacks(and I have worked with all that you have mentioned professionally boyo)

    So no kiddo. Yours are not facts. Just ignorant ramblings about what you prefer due to your inability to learn more than one thing.
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    And that ladies and gentlemen is how wars beginn.
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    You shouldn’t ask this.

    Just learn pure ja, forget framework hell
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    I like React.js ecosystem flexibility and philosophy. Choose according to your favorite programming paradigm. I like functional programming, so I like React.js. It is a matter of productivity and joy when coding.
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    @AleCx04 No, I am not a student, I have 4 years of professional development(not including college) but have been programming since high school.

    Presentations were held at a conference and a public meetup our company organised.

    Coming down to the level of "insulting" or talking down to me shows that you don't have something else to say.

    I did learn React first, started a little with Angular and that was enough to know that there are problems with those frameworks/libraries that Vue solves out of the box. I worked with Java also and that's why I appreciate C# and don't want to switch :) ..this discussion has become pointless, if you don't have something smart to say don't say anything at all. And regarding learning, all our microservices/microwebs are cutting edge tech. Always! So thanks kiddo for "smart" conclusions, sigh.
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    @DanijelH awwww come on b don't be like that :(
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