
IRCTC captcha XD

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    I fail Discord Captcha 4 times.
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    Story of my life.
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    @rEaL-jAsE :D
    So being told by the devil that you are a robot actually means that you are dumb as fuck.
    Jesus died for us says the Christian community.

    That would mean that Jesus was told to be a robot by the devil and he did suicide because he could not live with this type of stupidity of himself. He first got rid of all the hard captchas then he pulled the trigger.

    He left us and took the hard captchas with himself.
    Brothers and sisters! We must defeat the easy captchas! We must prove everyone who thinks that we are dumb as fuck wrong! We are not wrong! Let us show them by mastering all captchas!

    (At this point I am not sure how I wrote this type of bullshit story lol)
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    I think @-ANGRY-CLIENT- is high.
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    @relentlesscoder you did that right at the first time, and they knew it that you were not a robot. They were just training their self driving cars.
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