
How to build a trillion dollar company

  • 3
    @jespersh after Christmas they'll be back up again 😉
  • 3
    Wait, there is a black adapter there! 🤔
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    I think what's also playing a big role in apples wealth is the way they slow down old iphones using their os.
    This way a lot of the people are forced to get a new phone or use their old one until it's ether gets to slow or the apps they use don't work anymore.
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    @rEaL-jAsE remember, it's not Apple's fault, it's their customers for using things wrong.
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    @dUcKtYpEd yeah I know that part is totally logical and fine. What I mean is that apple slows down older devices when updating on the newest ios version. So for example your iPhone 6 will perform a lot worse over time when upgrading to a new ios version. Sure there are new features justifiying this but it's already proven that Apple does this to get older phones out of the system by making them slow and also not supporting them any more. So you are basicly forced to buy yourself a new iPhone at least every 2 or 3 year otherwise you will left out
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    @Nino9612 is there any legitimate source for this allegation though?
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    @MohitC yeah there is just goggle it
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    There is a swiss online shop that used to have the 'Apple Adapter Mayhem'. Looks they don't carry it anymore, but it was around 450$ if I remember correctly.

    When I worked there, we checked the system and three customers actually bought it.
  • 1
    Isn’t Microsoft past them in market cap?
  • 2
    @Nino9612 the boring reason is that batteries die over time and the system clocks down to preserve battery life..at least that is what i read
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