
I hereby salute every JS-wanking web dev who uses a pop-up type of dialog *and* display yet hugging blur the actual hugging content behind it, only to become completely visible when you allow JavaScript and allow those hugging cookies.

With my middle finger I salute you, motherhuggers. You filthy hugging pieces of hugging shit.

7 hugs so far, oh wait 8! Will this rant defeat my current record on amount of hugs given that apparently stands at 18 (which is hugging incredible, if I may say so myself)? Not that that's really the hugging point though, the hugging GDPR that's responded at by those motherhugging hugwads is. I hugging salute you, hugging pieces of hugging shit!!!


  • 4
    Those hugs took me too long to figure out..
    Here man, chill out a bit 🤗
  • 4
    This is a beautiful time on devRant, tbh.
  • 11
    ~~~ You have violated the CoC's "hugging without consent" policy and will now be removed from this community. Please note that by us branding you undesirable, Visa, GoDaddy, Facebook, Spotify and others might also do so and might consider your prompt removal from their platform; their actions are their own, we operate as an autonomous entity. ~~~
  • 5
    @JKyll Hug the rules!
  • 9
    @JKyll I knew it!!! Hugging could be regarded as a potential act of sexual violence!!! How dare those SJW's use these offensive terms like hugging, damn a-hole rape apologists they are!!!

    *Heads off to Twitter and Tumblr*
    Goddamn hugging despicable white cis males they are, mumble mumble...
  • 5
    so what's my superpower?

    I can say "Fuck".
  • 6
    @Parzi You're gonna get banned for breaking the CoC. Tsk tsk
  • 2
    All I could think of when reading this was...

  • 2
    I don't give a hug
  • 2
    @Condor I see someone has been following the Linux CoC latest recommendation. BUT you forgot that other projects like freebsd actually frown upon this.
  • 3
    @gitoutofhere the more you know 🙂
    Anyway, I should point out that the only reason why I've started to replace the word "hug" with "hug" for a couple of days is pure satire. I find that sort of political correctness batshit insane. What's next, changing shit into chocolate?

    Hugging @hell 🤗
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