
Ok, fuck my city. We are fucking freezing here the second day now, no hot water, no heat, it is around 0 degrees outside and THEY FUCKING CAN'T COMMENT ON THE CURRENT SITUATION AND WHAT HAPPEND OR WHEN WE WILL STOP FREEZING? WHAT THE HELL????

  • 3
    Temporary solution:

    > Blanket
    > Laptop with furmark running
    > Both you and laptop under the blanket

    Alternatively, replace the laptop with furmark with your significant other.
  • 1
    Happy ending, city services just successfully debugged heat pipes!
  • 2
    Quite normal... Be grateful that you don't have to live in the dorms at Strahov, Prague. We did not have heating nor hot water for more than 3 weeks... When we complained and wanted a refund they just said that it was our fault and that we were using too much hot water(which was colder than the cold water) and that WE broke their boilers. I mean WTF?! Sure, I just casually walked into their boiler room and took the boilers apart... retards...
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