I'm at this magnificent company, working scrum, doing continuous integration which is really very cool. But although the features we develop are really nice it is sooooooo boring.

One of our team members emphasized that we should not pick up new stories if we haven't finished previous stories yet. I agree to some extent but think it is ok to pick up new stories if you have nothing to do. But we may not.

So, here I am now. Literally waiting for the day to pass. This sucks sooooo much!

I'm a hard worker and perform at my best under pressure with many things to do. Now, I just deployed one tiny little story today. I can do much much more. I feel so useless and cannot believe that my client pays so much just for me being at the office. And occasionally clicking a button and writing a line of code. This is so fucked up.

  • 1
    Know what that's like. In our small team, we're supposed to ask around if anyone needs help on the active stories, or if not then use the extra time either for self study, code reviews/unit tests or documentation.
  • 3
    It seems wrong but it's there for good reason. If you work in a place where your PO (or their boss lol) is out of control this allows the Scrum Master to say "no" to slipping in new stories during an active sprint. It's about longterm sanity for the entire team, avoiding burnout, etcetera. But it's not necessarily a steadfast rule depending where you work.

    I would consider this a learning opportunity more than anything. Maybe next planning session you need to mention that they should stack in more stories for team members with certain skillsets to increase velocity. My 2 cents.
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    @NaughtyProwler We already discussed that in about every retrospective. Problem is that I am an independent contractor so it is not done for me to spend my time otherwise than working. But I'll work on my own stuff or study anyways.
  • 2
    Get onto Stack Overflow and help others, at least that keeps you busy. Or devrant a lot
  • 0
    You should make good use of your free time. Learn or help others.
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