
Fucking shit, this university's website is so damn slow! Basically Every Semester, every student need to enroll to certain classes in University Website.

But the Infrastructure is not enough to handle such a big amount of students, we have approx. 7000 students enrolling at the same fucking time.

And here i am can't enroll to any class at all this semester. Fuck such a waste of time. This always been a thing since they digitalize enrolling system.

I don't want this to happen again. The student always be a victim since they cannot handle the request. Now, as a dev, i want to propose something better to optimize the server, i have some connection to pass some bureaucracy. I am going to do some brainstorming and I will need some solution.

Here some data i gather when i am mad from my univ infrastructure division :
1. The Server is a simple Local Server Forwarded to the Internet.
2. The Server use Windows Server 2007.
4. Web Server Using Microsoft IIS
3. The Website built using ASP.NET
4. The connection is not SSL encrypted (yes its fucking use the http)
5. Hardware Spec (not confirmed officialy, i got this information from my professor) :
- Core i5 4460
- 4 GB Ram
- 1 Gbit NIC

I will summon some expert here and i hope want to help me(us all) out.

  • 3
    The sysadmin expert : @Condor
    .net dev : @devTea
    Web dev (i believe): @linuxxx

    If you know anyone else, please summon them. Thank you in advance
  • 3
    You’re not alone, my campus website also canmt handle that many request at once and keeps on crashing. Youmre planning on enhancing it or create a new one?
  • 5
    Wonder what it is with universities and shitty websites. Ours can't handle anything either and looks as if it hasn't been updated since 1999. Bonus: last weekend it went down while a bunch of people were having a take-home exam they had to upload on there, causing the entire course to fail as they couldn't upload before the deadline and the prof didn't accept submissions by email 🙃 go you for doing something about your university's shitty site! Wish someone would fix ours.
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    @wowotek Backender and Linux engineer 😬
  • 3
    Good luck!
  • 5
    Windows Server 2007 on a clearly underpowered server.. school "sysadmins". Sorry, there's nothing I can do to help you 😞 self-proclaimed sysadmins in schools are the worst. It's probably a well-known story by now but I had to drop out of my previous school because of these people. They're terrible subhuman scum. Any requests you make to them to make the services better, you should assume that they'll take it as them being incompetent (which they are, but the offense taken sits aside from that).

    Vulnerability report meant to make the platform more secure? Obviously evil hacking and disruption of "good service". Or so I've been told at least.

    I suggest to just wade through it to be honest.. it's only temporary. But even mentioning this issue to those shitadmins may very well get them triggered. Fucking scumbags they are.
  • 3
    If that thing can’t handle the load, it’s probably running on an old desktop pc port forwarded to the internet.

    They could probably just take it, spin up a little AWS server and drop it on and have a lot more reliability from it. And that’s without going as far as load balancing and auto scaling and all that Jazz.

    - webdev / devOps / and a bunch of other stuff, guy here!
  • 4
    Same problem here in Argentina. We should make our own university website with blackjack and hookers.
    Unbelievable that tech universities have this kind of problems. It's like a fire apartment burning up.
  • 5
    @Frederick never seen that but in general throughout my life I have been very disappointed in all my schools' IT. Maybe it's just the way things are 🤔 I remember lectio.dk from gymnasiet in particular 😂
  • 2
    @devTea My Professor pass me to the rectorate and I've been given an opportunity by rectorate to finish my proposal in one semester (since i can't fucking enroll to any of the classes), if i can make it better than the current system, they will replace it and effective immediately.

    @Condor yes i've read(or red) it, damn they were harsh and fucking incompetent.
    No i don't ask you to help me build the infrastructure with me, but i just need some of your opinion about their current system (which i believe sucks), since i need to write complete proposal from the hardware, software, stacks and everything. I know you are one of the best sysadmin around here, maybe you can give me some advice.
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    The only large scale simultaneous request I’ve ever made is like 2.500 to 5.000 continiously by myself before it hangs or crash
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    @devTea do you think iis and/or ASP.Net is slower than php? What do you prefer?
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    @wowotek my opinion is quite simple 🙃

    [ ! -z $sysadmin ] && [ ! -z $schoolEmployee ] && verdict="Yep, those are incompetent fuckwits"

    I have no idea what you should do to be honest with ya.. if it's shit and the sysadmins are shit, perhaps it's best to not poke into the shit.. might stain your hands after all. Not sure why schools are always like this, but what I did learn the hard way is that it's very unlikely to change anytime soon...
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    @Condor well, that is a bit hard to swallow, But maybe you are right. I Will think about it again before finally decided. Thanks anyway!
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    @wowotek yeah I seconded what @condor said, thibk it carefully before you do that, you’re going to be all aline handling that

    I’ve only seen them compared to java (slightly slower). Is this the classic asp.net or are you going mvc? How about dropping a microservices on AWS or azure cloud instead? (I would like to hear opinion about speed on top tier cloud service vs local @condor @linuxxx @c0d4 @real-jase @cozyplanes)

    Edit: also classic asp .net is hard to work with, all of the asp snippets is shit, I suggest going mvc or just making a web api for it, most of the cloud services only support .net core though, also rntity framework will bootstrap all of your class really fast if you’re interested on it
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    @devTea I've never used top tier cloud stuff, always rented my own servers.

    It's a combination of choosing the right configuration as for the server and as for the application, simple as that really.
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    @linuxxx considering a third-world country budget vs cloud, what would you think?

    Also @wowotek I don’t know about your internet provider but firstmedia blocked connection to azure, so you have to make sure it worked
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    @devTea I'd say go for a cheap but resourceful vps (like from contabo), no limits except for the ones the vps has for a fixed price.
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    @rEaL-jAsE not stated yet by @wowotek, lol we gotta wait which one is their priority

    Rdit: discussion about java vs c# is here https://devrant.com/rants/1903659/...
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    @devTea I've not got much experience with various VPS providers here unfortunately.. all my VPS's are at Aruba Cloud. If cost-performance is an issue for an application that's used mostly on campus (think Moodle etc), I'd really just buy a server, put it in the local network, and run the application from a VM in there. That way you're not limited by your WAN speeds (couple of Mbps, shared by the whole school?) and instead you've got your full LAN performance (1Gbps usually). The only trade-offs would be that the hardware has to be maintained locally, power costs and if the school goes up in flames, so does the server. So backups to some off-site location might be important to consider.
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    @rEaL-jAsE @devTea talking about cost-performance , they don't talk specifically about it, but if i can make it better than it will be use.

    with that said tho, i believe they will consider the cost as much as the performance can go. the more efficient, the more likely they will accept.

    yes i need to consider the ratio between cost and performance. i believe the requirement will be can handle 5000+ request simultaneously without a problem
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    @wowotek I just discussed this with a programmer from other company, and he suggested a load balancer and build a microservices with it
  • 1
    @devTea Thanks ! I'll do some research
  • -1
    This issue doesn't fix yet. Universities must get us opportunities to get an education. But if they can't improve a site... It's unfortunate for me. I always find additional sources for my studies like this one https://essayservicescanner.com/ess... because it's too tiny information from the university. Sometimes I think about self-education because of its low quality in my faculty. But I'm happy to know that I can learn anything from youtube or google search. It's also great for working students, who don't have time to visit lections and other study activities. I thought that my parents' student time was more challenging, but now I can't say it because of the superficial attitude of educational institutions.
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