It worked locally

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    reload, restart.

    and for the future that this doesn't happen anymore use vagrant. www.vagrantup.com
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    @heyheni Interestingly enough this was the first time in years I developed an application using Laravel, and it's their recommendation for environment management. Perhaps I should give it a go. You don't happen to know if it works well for node aswell?
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    @ScriptCoded it works for every system. You just recreate the production environment on a virtual machine and develop on it.
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    @heyheni That sound sweet :)
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    @ScriptCoded it's not in the long run. Because prod system can have different configs (or custom built binaries), hardware settings (let's say for example different load balancer timeout or just different performance), or simply there are licensing restrictions.

    Not to mention, it's useful to use i.e. debugging symbols with binaries or open port for the debugger, which is undoable on prd.

    Prd can be impossible to define in a strict way - recent chrome browser as target for webapp? Version changes constantly.

    And last thing: waste of resources.
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    @Hubot-0x58 vagrant is a development enviroment manager.

    Containers are for deployment.
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