
I didn't get jealous that 3 of my uni friends are working at the same company but I'm extremely jealous over that 1 uni friend who's company uses Linux for their desktop by default. This is acceptable, right? Right???

  • 2
    Linux as default dev environment, oh what a dream for me.
  • 3
    That's kind of my reality.
    The default for all employees in our company is OSX, but all technical employees are permitted to change it and use Linux.
    Which means I now get to use an awesome OS on shitty hardware.
  • 1
    @filthyranter I know right?? I thought I was happy with where I'm working. Until my friend showed me that his office is using Linux. Now I'm doubting my work environment
  • 1
    @ilPinguino At least you get to switch though, I'm a tester and the software I'm testing only partially supports linux. Even setting up a vm to run linux doesn't make sense for me cause I'll need to switch to windows anyways =/
  • 1
    @euph Where I'm going to work in the next summer holidays, it might be a bit of a mixed environment :P
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