What is everybody's current project that they are working on? :)

  • 5
    Working on a game engine sort of thing but currently focusing more on building Google assistant for elementary os and working on a developer terminal for a few other projects
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    @CoffeeNcode it sounds you have a lot on your plate!
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    @lxmcf that sounds so cool! Ive recently bought so many online books about game engine design, as playing around with unity3d inspired me a little. I'm really interested to know how it goes for you.
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    @CoffeeNcode yes me too, it really is a great way to forget about your own issues and laugh at others programming issues.
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    @CoffeeNcode πŸ˜‚Thanks! Yours is pretty cool too, what does the N stand for?
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    @CoffeeNcode πŸ˜‚ohhhh, i was overthinking the meaning.
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    Bringing people to Mars
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    @CoffeeNcode What's the devMeetup project about?
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    @careless are you....elon musk..?
  • 5
    Enhancing legacy project
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    @Hubot-0x58 that sounds very interesting, i have a food joke for you: why did the can crusher quit his job.... Because it was soda pressing.
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    @devTea same here. Shitty days.
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    @devTea πŸ˜‚very tedious, how long have you been at it.
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    @AwkwardBanana it’s been 1 month
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    @AwkwardBanana hahahhaha

    @Hubot-0x58 yeah that's interesting. Checking the API now.
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    @Hubot-0x58 πŸ˜‚ Thanks! If you need a joke supplier you know who to come to!
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    Trying to get my PC to work again ._.

    In the meantime: nothing, because my laptop is shit (can't even watch hd videos...)
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    at work: 3 java server applications on jboss 6 on 3 centos 6 servers to 1 jboss 7 on centos 7 server, all communicate with on db and two apps with the first app
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    @Observable πŸ˜‚ honestly mate, I don't even know what half of the you just said is.
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    @Krokoklemme whats wrong with your pc?
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    @AwkwardBanana if i knew that i could probably fix it... Got a few more details on it in my latest rant
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    @stop I wanna hang myself from reading that
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    @AwkwardBanana i only need to prepare the vm. the other stuff is not necessary for me to know.
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    @Krokoklemme yea i just read it, something similar happened to a friend of mine, he took everything out of the tower and then he put it back together again that seemed to fix it for him.
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    @stop where do you work πŸ˜‚ im curious
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    @AwkwardBanana im better than the guy who has to manage the backupsystem. the tapesystem crashed literaly and i think it work aat 60% now.
    and before you ask: we have no system that could hold this much data. we have around 1500-1700 vms in two clusters that are replicated in one other datacenter. and we have our own encryoted physical fiber network
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    @AwkwardBanana yeah, already tried that, didn't seem to do anything ^^'

    I appreciate the advice though :)
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    @stop looks like no ones hacking your company anytime soon.
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    Yo, at work finishing off e-commerce api and doing some saml auth stuff.. at my spare time building my game.
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    @Krokoklemme its alright, luckily it's nearly Christmas maybe ask santa to get u a replacement?
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    @dehood very interesting, what kind of game are you making?
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    @AwkwardBanana won't work, no money :|
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    @Krokoklemme me too, living the broke life isn't fun.
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    @AwkwardBanana it would be really hard. we must explain why an site that is aviable ro the net doesnt get an a+ on an ssl test. and we have three firewalls .
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    @stop bloody hell do you work in some under ground spy agency?
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    no, but we work with real sensitive data.
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    but my background need to be checked.
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    @stop What like sensitive sensitive or just sensitive if you know what i mean.
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    @stop ok nevermind that's definitely sensitive sensitive
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    police, court, state sensitive
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    @stop do you get monitored? You also just reminded me of Brooklyn nine nine
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    define monitored, private or companywide
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    Python neural network library that will be able to use CUDA and OpenCL acceleration. Hopefully...
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    @BadFox is this for your a level computer science project!
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    @AwkwardBanana nope, hobby. I just got started on artificial intelligence and went from there. I have no formal background in mathematics or computing science. I study computer networking.
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    @BadFox ahh for a second i thought i met a fellow alevel computer science student. but that is very impressive, how did you teach yourself?
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    @AwkwardBanana Web resources( Khan academy, YouTube videos etc.). We have everything we might ever need to learn available online yet many people don't even take the time to use said resources. People are inherently lazy, if they can slack off with mobile games instead of reading anything educational they you can be sure as hell they will. I just take advantage of it.
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    @BadFox well said, I'm the only one in my class who's actually bothered to learn a language that they don't teach you in school. Where as everyone in my class says they are 'not bothered' to learn anything other then python and most of them want to do computer science at uni.
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    @AwkwardBanana well, I wouldn't care in the slightest about them then. That said, learning languages for the hell of it isn't very efficient either. One does need a good reason for doing so. I consider the concepts more relevant than the various implementations though.
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    @BadFox yes that is true, i agree with you there. For example learning C will help you understand the concepts behind most features in languages better.
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  • 7
    Replacing current employer with a new one.
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    Amp4Email... πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
  • 4
    Work: ticketing things and teaching
    Spare: a general purpose e-commerce backend.

    Edit: I don't have enough motivation to do the front end
  • 3
    At work: A software suite using Qt5, that our manufacturers use to test circuit boards, flash the mainboards and FPGAs, and help with the assembly, test and calibration of the devices.

    In my spare time there are various projects. Examples are elogind, pwxlib, BOINC and Ogre3D ebuilds for Gentoo Linux, and I'd like to get back into Atomic Tanks to fix the network game mode.
  • 4
    Trying to make a GPS based app for KaiOS, sadly the hardware level API are not working.
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    @stop your desc is like a fucking combo at fighting game
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    my company has to defend against real hackers
  • 4
    At work: extending our Django REST API to expose new models and allow edition

    - refactor/add features to vscode-jumpy
    - add icons to the Frost icon pack
    - write my internship report
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    Customizable invoice print and delivery solution for some postal services company.
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    @BadFox do you know libgpuarray ?
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    CMS build on CakePHP
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    @vane I do now. Thank you.
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    @Observable That's just... Wow! πŸ‘
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    @Observable They should pay you some of their savings as a bonus!
  • 3
    I am working on a JSON based IoT and Messaging protocol along with an open source project with load balanced server and client to support this protocol.
  • 4
    A website editor/builder. In my spare time: A Chat app and some games :)
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    Data compilation for laboratory accreditation. It's fucking horrible
  • 1
    At work building a multi vendor platform for everyday home essentials in Laravel , as a side project nothing fancy but trying to build a task management website.
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