
Dammit! All the interview rants make me scared to go to an interview in the future.

  • 6
    Hehe don't be, there are companies that are worth it. Also, that rants work to be more confident on future interviews. 💪
  • 4
    Please don't be. Everyone's experience is different from others. Plus, more interviews will make more confident, more relaxed.
  • 3
    Read them all and their comments so you know how to handle the situations
  • 1
    Keep in mind where you are.
  • 3
    @JSn1nj4 Exactly.
    I had a lot of great interviews, where the people were great, and were I had very relaxed talks with the people.

    But this is devRant. Here you will hear about interviews that *really* went down the drain.

    Read them all! They might help you preparing for sensing bad situations that might be traps or even hints that you should not work there. 😉
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