
My Interview question was simple, just :
Create an algorithm using **JAVA** accepting row input which output corresponding diagram :




I said, well this going to be easy. Turns out they give me one sheet of FUCKING PAPER. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? THIS IS JAVA NOT A FUCKING PYTHON.

But in the end i complete the test except i don't write the :

public stupid static motherfucking main(String[] dick){}

in every single number. Got Zero in the test. Didn't get the job.

I win.

  • 32
    Connect 1 and 2 to get a christmas tree!
  • 7
    @joas Yaaay then we all win!!
  • 6
    @joas more like 2 and 1
  • 5
    Yeah I thought about the order afterwards, but didn't want to edit the comment... So you are right.
  • 7
    And back to the main topic:
    They should really specify if they want a complete application on paper instead of a snippet.
    But even for snippets, who uses paper for coding! ... in the modern times. You shouldn't take the job anyway if they can't even afford laptops.
  • 4
    I mean, this is just basic problem solving, I don't get how this is a problem to write code in a piece of paper for this. If you know how to use a loop, it's done. We used to train in undergraduate and for interviews on paper and on white board. Then on text editors. Helps me a lot.
  • 2
    All you needed was 14lines of code
    3line/figure +extra 3 lines for import package name, input and main methods
  • 6
    I find paper assessments that require 100% correct syntax completely moronic
  • 2
    Definitely win
  • 5
    I would hardcore write something like


    And so on...
  • 3
    On PAPER really? That's nuts.

    I would be like sure why don't you just write down you payroll companies phone number from memory first. Oh no shit, really you don't carry all that around with you in your head? What's that you like to use that computer in your pocket to help you with your job. Oh I can't work for you if you can't even remember the phone number of people who are going to pay me. How would I ever expect to be paid for my work.

    RUN RUN away NOW

    You definitely won
  • 3
    Solve this simple problem? Sure.
    On paper...? Is pseudocode fine?
    No? It has to be perfect?
    > tear paper
    I'm leaving.
  • 3
    @chaoticdenim The interviews I've been asked me to first propose a solution and write code in a language of my choice. They generally tell try to keep the syntax as accurate as possible. I use C most of the time, when in doubt about function argument types and order or even the name, I always assume something or ask them. They don't mind this. I think it's just a way to see how comfortable you are with your language. But yes, if someone nit-picks on syntax, it's crap.
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