
I dream of the day a professor gives me a question that requires a meme be made lmao

  • 7
    Well, I least I tried to laugh
  • 1
    Math test? Wtf?
  • 3
    So it's been striked though, but sill 3 points?
  • 4
    @jerodev Long ass check mark with a minimal tail thing bottom is what it looks like to me.

    I had a teacher that used check marks like that.
  • 1
    Meanwhile, at my university they are teaching us to do what linkers do but using a pen and paper ... 😢😢😢
  • 1
    I had this one teacher last year that did something similar. The question was:
    Write a mathematical haiku using the words "ravioli" and "hamster".
  • 4
    And then she also wrote, at the bottom of the instructions on one test, "to show that you have read these instructions, draw a walrus below". She changed it during her last class but word had already gotten around so they were supposed to draw a platypus but everyone drew a walrus.
  • 1
    Cringe teacher
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