
No fucking dev jobs in my country. Anybody willing to help? I can work remotely, I'm a Node.js junior developer. Shoot me a mail at ibesoft11@gmail.com
I'm ready to answer your questions in the comments section

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    Go freelance maybe?
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    Freelance jobs are not forthcoming, I've done a few of them in the past. I need something steady.
  • 1
    find a remote job online, you have freelancer, upwork, linkedin. Do some side projects, open source them, contribute to open sourced projects, and you will get the attention of the recruiters
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    Thanks @echonox, I'm contributing to an open source project and I've worked on some other projects in the past, it's just kinda difficult to find remote jobs in my country, Nigeria.
    I would appreciate if you could recommend me 😊
    Edit: I'm a Nodejs developer
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    @Hubot-0x58 Thanks for your response
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