Symfony 4:

I created a firewall with a user provider and everything was great for a year and a half.
I needed a second firewall with a different user provider for my REST API.

Being stateless, the rest api firewall didn't need the refreshUser method so I didn't bother doing anything inside but returning user (without noticing how my original class was built or the official documentation which apparently says I need to throw an exception if this isn't the right user provider for the user in the session).

I was having a problem with my main firewall after that point because I assumed it would only use the relevant user provider, but even though my API firewall only applied to a specific host/pattern, the user provider for that firewall was still being used. If it had run the supports method first, it wouldn't have done that even with my initial mistake. Frankly, I don't know why there is a supports method if it's not being utilized for this purpose...I saw supports() is used for the rememberme functionality, but seems inconsistent not to use it everywhere.

Not only should Symfony be updated to check the supports() method, but I also think it should only loop through user providers for the current applicable firewalls. Since we define a user provider per firewall, I think that would be the natural way for it to work. Otherwise why even define a user provider on the firewall if it's just going to try to use them all anyway?

Furthermore, in the case of a stateless firewall, requiring the refreshUser method via the interface seems strange.

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