
I need a superreliable VPS in germany.

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    noez.de, digitalocean.com, kms-hosting.com, netcup.de
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    hetzner.de I know a shit ton of people using their servers including myself, and none of us ever had a single issue.
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    do they speak english? :p
    I am going to host a pretty busy DNS server over there.
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    @Linux yeap they do. Although we all have dedicated servers there so to be honest I don't know how their VPSes perform. But i trust them 100% (meaning they haven't done anything yet to lose my trust)
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    @Linux but if you need a DDoS / DoS protection, you should consider an other provider
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    @Scrumplex oh, thanks for that :)
    Maybee VULTR?
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    @Linux I don't have experience with them, but a friend said, that they are pretty good.
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    @jakallergis I have a DO droplet that keeps getting hits from a hetzner related IP , and I dunno why . they keep on look for certain URIs on my website .
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    linode? they have some servers în Frankfurt.

    so far very reliable.
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    thanks for the tip :)
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    Digital Ocean here, mine is in London though. So far so good.
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    I don't have experience in running DNS servers but I've been using DigitalOcean with CloudFlare. So far so good!
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    I think I am going with Vultr and EDIS AT :)
    Having over 20 million queries per hour does require some security and uptime :)
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    @uziiuzair lol, I forgot a 0, it should say 200 million
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    @Linux oh. My. God. The biggest hike I've seen in my few years was 50000 😱😱😱😱😱
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    @uziiuzair yeah, we have almost 100k DNS customers.
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