
Just wanted to share this beautiful Christmas atmosphere i spent in Damascus.

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    I don't want to shit on your atmosphere, but except that Christmas tree, I don't see anything else that would normally be associated with this holiday. At least here in West it won't.
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    @arraysstartat1 i understand my friend but that is a traditional damascene home. And in that wall it's poetry... It's just an image till you experience it
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    @irene christmas night
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    @irene thats a mosque next to a church not in the pic but the christmas trees are under the mosque.
  • 1
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂
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    @irene You are correct, but what he posted is picture of room with no people and decorated tree that looks out of place. There isn't even single, big table for whole family, but small tables as if it was restaurant with decorated tree "because it is Christams so I guess well just put that here for customers".

    So what I'm saying is that I don't see here this Christmas atmosphere mentioned by poster.
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    @m0nk happy to see that.

    I wish all the best for Damascus and Syria in general. it's a very good and old cultural country.
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    @irene very very odd
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    @arraysstartat1 I upvoted your clever comment, but then I saw your nickname hahaha... It's 0, not 1 xD
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    @irene I agree with you about the symbols everywhere. I mean, I celebrate Christmas and I don't have a Christmas three. But following the comment of the guy/girl about the fake Christmas atmosphere, what would you say if I post a picture of me in the Bahamas saying "so happy to be enjoying Christmas"... Without a single indicator referring to Christmas itself haha
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    @marcorodnav it was just a rant of a 7am morning. I was with a very dear friend and i was visiting that's the hotel we were in! I have no one left in Syria just a coupe of cousines and that is it. Anyway enjoy.
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    @m0nk Haha there's no need to justify yourself... Part of a rant is to let go of what's bothering you... You're too polite, you should've tell the one that thinks arrays start at 1 to fuck off xD
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    @marcorodnav not a matter of politeness but i saw that he thinks that arrays start from one and left it there my friend.
  • 1
    @m0nk Man it is a matter of politeness. And honestly is good to be polite. I'll just leave the subject here.

    P.S: Arrays start at 0 hahahaha
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