
Have u heard about ear infarction?
Which makes one of your ears deaf?

Aaaah! I got one!
Tommorow must go to the doc then he injects inside my ear (hope it is less painful then i think)

Wish me luck ! Hope I can hear things as before soon

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    @irene nose? But the doc said they inject cortisone inside my ear
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    @irene was it painful?
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    @irene did u get fully cured?
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    @irene i usually dont get headache, I'm just hoping everyrhing goes well
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    Ear can be reached through your mouth or nose as well :) tuba auditiva is used to adjust air pressure in your ear. It opens up in your pharynx. Unless you have an infection bad enough to make doc consider impairing your hearing I think he'll go with you pharynx
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    @netikras the less painful, the better :))
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    But if you indeed mean infarction then in depends on the spot that's affected. Infarction is very bad in general. The fact that you have one at your age is a red flag already.

    The procedure might involve opening the ear drum making you partialy deaf. The drum heals, can't remember how fast tho, so the hearing will come back.

    What's interesting is that doc did not schedule an emergency procedure knowing you have an infarction in your head. If it's caused by clot it can move and do more damage. Ffs if your blood is clotting you might end up with multiple infarctions. Unless your ear damage is caused by smth else but a clot.

    Anyways, good luck
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    Not sure if it's the same issue, but I was deaf for a week a couple of years ago (right ear only), and went to the doctor to wash my ear with a water injection. It didn't hurt. It was just a pressure and after that I was hearing everything again. Hope everything goes well for you.
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    @nanl thanks :D
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    Last year I had so many ear infections that I thought I was going to go mad. Like 7 or 8. This year I've had 2.

    I've also got tinnitus because of one of the ones I had last year. Permanent tinnitus btw, which makes me feel like killing myself
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    @inaba what is causing this to the ear? I feel like i dont have the right half of my head
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    @R1100 the infection? No idea, I'm not a doctor :v
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    @inaba :))) me2
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    @irene I don't know many who has it or is willing to admit to it. The few I have met have all gotten it from something that they could very much control (concerts and such)
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    @irene @inaba
    I didn't know there was such a thing for a big portion of my life. Then while talking to a friend I realized thay it was not normal. I think I've had it my whole life, but it could have been the band training I got as a child that started it, who knows.
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    @irene I just have iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii constantly playing
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    I had an ear infection that caused excess earwax to be produced and made me go deaf in both ears.

    I fixed it by getting an ear cleaning kit and getting it all out.
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    Cortisone injections are pretty painful, unfortunately
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    @R1100 Migraines are quite different from headaches (similar in that they boost cause pain), but much, much, much worse.

    Headaches are just inflammation.
    Migraines include that and a cluster other issues, and can include auditory and visual hallucinations.

    Migraines also differ between instances, and differ considerably between people.

    Cluster headaches are also different from both, and those can even cause temporary loss of muscle control.

    tl;dr: headaches are minor annoyances; migraines (etc.) are severe.
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    @irene i had a MRI and the doc said it was because of my MS !
    no need for injection inside my ear but 5 days getting serum :O
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    @irene 😁😁
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    @irene the ear is clean and healthy
    The brain is the matter
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