
Agile my ass. Stand ups should not take 40 min.

  • 2
    walk out after 15...should just be about blockers and not side railed by bullshit.
  • 2
    we run ours under 10 for a full team:
    -- AM
    -- PM
    -- Clients PM
    -- Front End
    -- Back End
    -- Dev Ops
  • 5
    If they are that long I bet you guys aint even standing up are you?
  • 2
    That's not a standup. If you're doing anything more than identifying blockers and immediately assigning resources if necessary, it's no longer a standup.

    Call a seperate meeting with only who needs to be there or handle it online.
  • 2
    @nonconvergent actually, if you're not standing up, it's not a stand-up. there's a reason for that name...
  • 0
  • 1
    I guess its ur tech lead/ on-site guy to blame, he maybe discussing requirements with you guys than taking ur Updates
  • 1
    while(personIdx < peopleInMeeting) {
    What did you do yesterday?
    What are you doing today?
    Any impediments?

    Such a waste of time.
  • 0
    @noamtm "we stand up to keep the meeting short" implies the means, not the goal.
  • 0
    @tass I bet you are right on the money!
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