You know what, QT is pretty cool

  • 4
    So... somebody decided to apply a CSS-like language for the desktop? Girl bye.

    I’ll stick with my XAML thank ya.
  • 11
    @Brolls Are you afraid of CSS syntax or do you believe it will impact performance, as with desktop-web-apps? Because XAML is good, but it can be a bitch to do things. I don't want to write a bunch of nested tags with triggers and setters just for a hover effect. CSS does it more elegantly, and QT is native, so there's no performance impact.
  • 7
    QT is a qt
  • 5
    I thought of having a look into Qt a while ago... Then I was like "bah, fuck it... I'll use Windows forms"
  • 2
    Looks pretty good! Any GitHub repository?
  • 2
    @voidpy I have an empty one. Its my first day with QT so I'm not gonna push anything today
  • 3
    I always had problems with packing the PyQT to an executable :/
  • 1
    such a QT interface you have there :3
  • 1

    Theming is quite interchangeable, so there’s nothing to worry about
  • 2
    📍 For more of this story and opinions on qt/gtk/others... 👍🏼
  • 2
    On topic : yeah, Qt is ruddy brillant!

    On comnents: meh. Use what you like.

    My opinion: compared to qml, xaml and gladeXML just suck. Gtk can't even be compared to Qt, as it is too different. The same applies to WPF.
    And with "different", I mean that they are just subsets.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm the syntax mostly.

    I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if QT is guaranteed to interpret it the same across all platforms.

    I don’t mind the nested stuff of XAML as you can always declare that stuff as resources, and even have it automatically applied by type 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    UIs are so 1990
  • 0
    @Brolls QT interprets the style the same cross-platform, but you will always have those little things that the OS pumps into it. For example, Ubuntu added a gradient over the button that made it too light in some areas. I fixed this by modifying the border on the button.
  • 0
    @-newaj no, nothing complex about it.
    Most stuff is lgpl, so you can use it even commercially as long as you add licensing information and link dynamically.
    If you want to use any gpl licensed part commercially, or want to link statically and hide that you are using Qt, you need to purchase a license.

    The Qt licensing just sounds complex due to all the legal/lawyer blah-blah needed to make it work.
  • 0
    @-newaj no. Link your app against .dll/.so (dynamic) instead linking .lib/.a into your app (static)
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