
why does everyone hates php?

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    because there are better choices
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    I hate python too I don't discriminate :P
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    It's cancer in so many ways.

    Other options are less cancerous.
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    "There are only two kinds of languages - the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses." - Bjarne Stroustrup. I guess that explains it.

    If you're planning to learn PHP go ahead, it's extremely widely deployed and runs a ton of stuff. Also, PHP7 is pretty decent.
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    facebook is written in php. its a widely known fact about facebook.
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    With a little help from Laravel it's great for quick scaffolding or temporary apps. If you put a little effort in to it, it even runs decently in production. The one big downside is security. There are quite a few quirks that aren't too obvious that can pose annlying security implications.
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    @kenogo @gdb123 adding to this, Facebook are largely responsible for the development of PHP in recent years because they realised too late how awful it was but decided it was more effort to rewrite Facebook than to work on improving PHP.
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    Dude.. facebook wrote their own PHP, strongly typed.

    PHP is shit, I used it for a couple years and switched to C# and Java.
    I still have nightmare about those "magic methods" tho.
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    I love PHP and don't really get all the hate tbh...
    PHP itself is a nice language, though due to uneducated tards it tends to be seen as "insecure".

    Also, PHP has come a long way since 5.6 (hoozay for strongly typing!).

    I've tried to make a javascript app using VueJS but it was tedious and quit that... then I tried Angular, which overcomplicated way too much things...
    then I just went "fuck it" and built the app using CakePHP.
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    Dont count Laravel.its not PHP its something else
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    Summary: It has a plethora of issues that other languages don't. There are better choices out there.
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    @amirbig not everyone hates PHP and often there are no better choices. Watch some videos of Rasmus to see why PHP is such a success (and designed quite well)

    That said PHP 7+ is the only PHP I want to work with.
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    @lastpeony Make sure you don't count bananas either. Also not a programming language...
    What is your point dude?
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    A language without integrated debugging tools is not a language.
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