
Product owner/Scrum master: "We don't have any time to review pull requests. We need the development time for features"

  • 0
    A security incident waiting to happen.

    Feeling BOFHish today?
  • 7
    Tell your PO they can also save time by skipping testing and pushing to prod on each commit. That should speed things up by a factor of 3-5 (it varies per project)

    Once they see the benefits of that lean approach, your last point of friction is senior devs. It's is known they tend to think more then code, they want PoCs and Spikes and explore alternative solutions... by replacing them all with junior devs you will not only see another x3 speed boost but also the project will be well under the budget.
  • 3
    @LordPeeve actually, we have no testing right now. Unit tests are mostly planed before release 😅
    Monkey tests by developer is enough
  • 8
    Ah, the widely propagated agile development approach called "ASAP".

    I know that very well.
  • 2
    Shoot them
  • 2
    @Kanshin Mate, then you are well ahead of others and success is just around the corner 😂
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