
Do not close lid!

  • 10
    There's a program called InsomniaX that should help here
  • 55
    So if I want to DoS the server I just need to close the lid? Interesting.
  • 6
    $ caffeinate
  • 25
    @Zerocchi or unplug it, working on 100% servers
  • 2
    @bigus-dickus Removing the magnet is actually a brilliant idea
  • 4
    What about caffeine? I saw a tool called that that prevents sleep.
  • 7
    @Kimm cuz changing settings is for weak ppl....
  • 2
    Unless it was a repurposed laptop, Mac Minis do the job very well, plus they don't look like much, since you can just not connect a monitor.
  • 2
    That's exactly what i have to do. The mac we got for the client's project is managed. I have no admin access, so i can't change anything in the power setting or install any system wide software. The worst is that i use a large external monitor for work but i have to keep this stupid thing opened or it just sleeps-.-
  • 0
    @kevinye32 happens to me all the time too
  • 0
    Ceci n'est pas un server.
  • 4
    I'd close it. Just to fuck with them
  • 3
    Shit we aren't the only one
  • 0
    @-newaj legit
  • 0
    @krz1 Tu peux faire un serveur avec n'importe quel ordi en fait... La performance du serveur va dépendre des specs du-dit ordi par contre.
  • 0
    @bigus-dickus Nice to know
  • 1
    How the fuck is this still a thing? Oo
  • 0
    Maybe take a block on it so people are less likely to close it
  • 0
  • 1
    My Cat 🐈 would fucking close it.
  • 0
    @jAsE You just made it appear in my notifications again
  • 1
    Take the lid off maybe, so that only the Lord can close it.
  • 1
    A Mac as a Server. Oida bitte!!!!
  • 0
    When you’re freelance, apple fan and poor at the same time (Just kidding 😉 )

    BTW, what kind of server is that? Web server? FTP?
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