
how do you deal with a client claiming you broke something when you didn't upload anything to the server yet?

  • 10
    With proof. Check them logs b
  • 0
    the guy won't believe me, I'll try that anyway.. thanks
  • 1
    to be fair, he's honest, pays on time and never negociates, he's super nice, but also very stressed out..
  • 3
    By billing them for looking into it
  • 1
    Maybe you actually broke it? 🤔
  • 4
    @Jilano *flat earthers intensifies*
  • 0
    I'd post on So if it was the case :/
  • 3
    Well, I’d tell him I’m gonna restart the server, not doing anything and then say him to enter again. Sometimes it’s phychological
  • 0
    I did that, I don't think he understood anything, but it worked so..
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