Do I need to study Microsoft sql server first before I study T-sql?

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    Only the basic operations on using microsoft sql server
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    @devTea thank you for your precious advice SpongeBob! :)
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    @FrodoSwaggins thank you for your reply. I am super newbie in back end part. So sql server is platform and t sql is language used in the platform?
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    Why Microsoft SQL server, not any other open source sql database?
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    @ajit555 Hi! It is because most company nearby my location use Microsoft sql server and Azure :)
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    @devTea Huge thanks to you!
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    If T-SQL (Microsoft specific enhancements to standard SQL) is the goal, start with free SQL server express edition, n later move to higher end version. DB engine is same for T-SQL.
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    @ajit555 Thank you for your roadmap! It is so helpful to set my study plan!!
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    Install mssql standard tutorial demo db, I guess adventureworks, n complete Microsoft SQL server documentation on T-SQL with examples than many shitty tutorials elsewhere.
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    @ajit555 I really appreciate your advice! I will proceed my study based on your roadmap :) thank you again!
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    @FrodoSwaggins Hi! In monetary way or effort and time? I know that the free version functionalities are extremely limited :(
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    @FrodoSwaggins which back end stack do you use? Could you let me know if you don’t mind?
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    @FrodoSwaggins Ah that’s a big thing! Respect you :)
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