Had to fill in the internship report for one of my interns...
He didn't look too happy after I handed it to him :^)

For those wondering: All he did was gaming and instead of showing initiative, he just went back to gaming when something didn't work.

  • 2
    Gaming? Is the internship taking place in his room?
  • 2
    @bahua Kids like to "game" on smartphone apparently. *shrugs*

    Good job, OP. Hopefully he'll learn something from it.
  • 5

    Ugh. I wouldn't call playing games on a smartphone, "gaming." A better term would be, "microtransacting."
  • 6
    @bahua rofl :^)

    No, the internship was in our company as "application developer" (basically he was supposed to make websites with me), but instead he went playing Overwatch and other games on his laptop all the time...

    I hope he learned from it that even if we don't punish you directly, punishment will be served not too much later.
  • 6

    That is RIDICULOUS. What could possess a person to think that's acceptable?
  • 1
    @bahua To be fair, I actually encourage people to play small games (like a quick "Osu!" run) every now and then but I explicitly state a small game that takes around 5 minutes so you can clear your head if need be.
    I actually do this myself too (tho I grab my yoyo instead of playing a game on my PC) when I fix an issue on a project so that I can clear my head from the last one and focus better on the new one at hand.

    However, this guy decided to play games pretty much all the time.
    He complained about "the server not working" (idk but some of my colleagues put him on WordPress...), but I gave him plenty of options that only rely on his local machine (like learning something like Bootstrap and/or Bulma) but instead he kept going back to gaming when I wasn't around.

    And when he had a question, instead of calling me in, he waited till I took a few minutes off and walked towards him...

    I have no clue what possessed him to think gaming on the job 24/7 was acceptable...
  • 0
    Can you post the letter? Just courius.

    Also, Overwatch? LOL. I mean, almost everybody has some kind of game on their phone and when they play it, they do it discreetly, but Overwatch? WTF? Totally agree with bahua.
  • 0
    @telephantasm it's not a letter, is was more of a little question form (asking me to basically "rate" him in different categoried and subjects)
  • 0
    @SoulSkrix youcan get fired but to get fired from my workplace, you have to make a serious offense and not have any "defense against it"...
    we have people at our workplace that are there for dayspending but one of them is there more for daycare (not the intern in the OP btw)...
    seriously, we are an IT company but he doesn't care about IT the slightest (he wants to be a singer... even tho he can't sing for shit...)...
    he got away with throwing a mug to somebodies head and got away with almost breaking my knee (in self-defense I kicked him to the groin) "because he doesn't understand it's bad"...
    his IQ is literally 80.
    And for those interested in who he is, his name is "Mike Meere" (I dun care about his privacy tbh considering he always acts like a dick to me and everybody else that doesn't praise him)...
    I'm not kidding, this guy can get away with A LOT because he brings in a crap tonne of money in the form of subsidies...
  • 0
    @FinlayDaG33k Violence at the workplace would get me fired lmao
  • 0
    @beggarboy It would (and should) get anyone fired unless violence is your job (like you're an MMA fighter or something)...
  • 0
    You all sound batshit crazy, haha.
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