
"You will change my mind"
Change my mind.

  • 4
    I may or may not change your mind :^)
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    I won't change your mind.
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    What if everybody sees colors different, but because you've learned those colors to be what they are, you will never know their true appearance?

    Mind blown.
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    @Marl3x I actually think about that a lot...
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    Did you just assume my color? I'll have you know, I'm reflecting a beautiful polychromatic set of frequencies, and you must name them by their proper wavelengths! And don't come to me with your fucking anti-deuteranomilous biases, check your neuroepithelial privileges you chauvinistic pig! ๐Ÿ˜กโ„๏ธ
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    @bittersweet I like bordeaux if that's what you were asking.
  • 3
    I don't think we can change your mind though... brain transplants are notoriously difficult.
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    Thanks guys. It seems you really *did* change my mind. What I'd told you, I was sure you *would*. Now I think "you won't change my mind" ๐Ÿ˜†
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    @beleg You seem like the kind of guy who implements minesweeper purely with css trickery and html checkboxes.
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    @bittersweet I'm just a poor dev who always wanted to win one of those opinionated arguments. So I made one that always works ๐Ÿ˜‰
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    @beleg You can also keep screaming "3 spaces is the best indentation" and call everyone who disagrees a retarded prolapsed anus while threatening to have sex with their mother.

    That's how most devs win arguments on the internet.
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    @beleg So basically if I just do nothing you will change your mind since you realize I won't change your mind. And since you changed your mind and I did not I won?
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    @TheSilent only if I could realize that after *some* time, because I have to wait ad infinitum.
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