Thanks CSS, not sure if I should but I am using ‘vw’ unit for font-size on desktop as it scales according to browser width. It works a treat and saved some shitty reflow breakpoint requirements. Until someone tells me it’s a shit idea, i’m gonna use the fuckr.

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    in my scenarios it makes the font either bulky or unreadable small, therefore i prefer media queries and em. i cannot imagine where it makes sense unless it is for mobile use and different resolutions. or headers. then it might just be fine.
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    Its a bad idea, check ultrawide vs small phone.
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    Im talking about desktop scenarios.
    you can go back to rem at tablet smartphone sizes. It means you need fewer breakpoints for larger screens as the text scales in proportion to browser width. Wtf wrong with that?
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    @helloworld because I dont want it to scale proportionally
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