I HATE SVN! >:v v:< >:v v:< :@

I used to use git for my personal code repositories and for my work. In the office I moved on, they use Subversion. I’ve been using it for months, but it’s a pain in the ass :/

We use TortoiseSVN to pull code repositories, and the AnhkSVN for Visual Studio Plugin. It works fine until two or more of us have to work at the same code project at the same time.

Last week we had a very VERY urgent code to release. We had 4 days to finish it (from thursday to sunday, tests included). We had few changes to do, but the problem was that, when one dev commited something, my changes disappeared, and viceversa. The worst part was that my partners and I had to re-work a lot of bugs that we had already fixed! >:v

This is not the first time this happens :/

The worst thing is that we cannot change our repository system because we don’t have time :(

Is there any advice you, SVN users, can give us?

  • 6
    Use git on your machine?
    If something breaks on svn your code contributions will be back-uped on git and ready to save the day.

    Also, make a plan/concept on how to introduce git within a half year. Because having no time reeks like bad management.
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    @heyheni I only use git on my personal machine. I’d suggest it but my boss wants we to check first if it’s something about a bad management of SVN or the SVN itself
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    Not read it fully, but you may find your answer here as the op’s scenario matches yours.
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    @ElizadeathRaven Im not a subversion expert, but SVN itself is pretty bad because of its centralized checkout system that doesn't allow or correctly merge concurrent changes to the same place (at least that's what I think I read about it). Git is decentralized in that manner because anyone can make changes anywhere locally and then resolve it upstream if conflicts happen. It leads to more efficient workflow IMO
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    @FrodoSwaggins Sounds line a good idea... the thing is that a partner of mine has never used git, so it could only work for me, or maybe there’s something I’m missing about what you said
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    @ElizadeathRaven it does sound like there might be issues within the team whether you use svn or git. Working concurrently on the same code requires discipline across the whole team. If I remember correctly, a team member not doing an svn update before checking in, can blast changes made by others. However, not doing a git pull before a push can do the same. This might be what your manager needs to address. The devs need to remember to update and take ownership of merging their changes.

    Having used both (but it's been a while for svn), I think it is easy to fuck up in both systems, but git is easier to recover from. Although I have found myself stuck in some kind of detached head hell before!

    In the meantime, using your own local git repository is an excellent idea. When your colleagues see how easily you can get your lost changes back into the svn repo, maybe they'll make the switch.
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    @Robinha Update and then make a commit. Good, I’ll do it. I will also try git on my local machine and see how it results (as soon as I have time 😅)
  • 4
    Also if your colleagues have a hard time to understand git, show them GitKraken. It's a easy and pleasant to use git client. Even my designer colleages understand git within minutes with GitKraken.

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    You could just all use git-svn ; thus using git on a subversion repository.

    This is limited of course, but better than using svn directly.
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