
Client just informed our support that they solved their own forgotten password problem by clicking the "forgot password" button in our app. They say they are now awaiting the email with the password recovery details.

One problem: we don't have a forgot password button in our app.

  • 6
  • 9
    What the fuck
  • 7
    This same user's browser of choice is IE 11. That says a lot.
  • 0
    @duckWit idk. There were ppl in my IT class trying to use IE the first day.
  • 4
    @Stuxnet were they clicking non-existent password recovery buttons too, then?
  • 5
    @CoffeeNcode true, could be phishing. I very much doubt it, though. I'm 99.9% sure it's raw, blatant stupidity.
  • 3
    Regardless of the user (which I agree is an ignorant dumbass), why don't you have a "Forgot password" button (assuming that you don't have another button for a similar password recovery mechanism)? ๐Ÿคจ
  • 3
    @Condor without going into details password resets have to be requested internally and then granted internally. That being said, a way for the user to initiate all that from within the app is on the roadmap, it just hasn't been a top priority.
  • 1
    That awkward moment.
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