Come up with a bad version of flipping a bool's value. (value = !value)

I'll start with a bad way of doing it in C# (.NET):

char[] bca = boolWert.ToString();
if (bca.Length == 4 && bca[0] == 't' && bca[1] == 'r' && bca[2] == 'u' && bca[3] == 'e')
boolWert = !bool.Parse($"{bca[0]}{bca[1]}{bca[2]}{bca[3]}");
else if (bca.Length == 5 && bca[0] == 'f' && bca[1] == 'a' && bca[2] == 'l' && bca[3] == 's' && bca[4] == 'e')
boolWert = !bool.Parse($"{bca[0]}{bca[1]}{bca[2]}{bca[3]}{bca[4]}");
else throw new Exception("y e s");

  • 7
    y e s
  • 0
    @11000100111000 Yes, because it would only get more complicated otherwise. I'm sure someone can do worse
  • 3
    I don't think it can get much worse but here's some Javascript
    (bool) => 1/bool === Infinity
    (bool) => { false: true, true: false }[bool]
  • 1
    Intentional brainfart?!
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