
root@gf # date; mv gf $HOME; watch movies; touch; split; finger; unzip; fsck; touch; fsck; yes; yes; fallocate -l20M "cream"; zip; sleep

Happy Valentine's Day everyone 😉

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    Those were my plans until I realised it's a fucking Thursday today
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    C:/users/c0d4> command date not found.

    Well that’s awkward.
  • 1
    @pyaf i was hoping no one would notice 😅


    C:\Users\c0d4> # date; mv gf $HOME; watch movies; touch; split; finger; unzip; fsck; touch; fsck; yes; yes; fallocate -l20M "cream"; zip; sleep
  • 2
    I hate to break it but your flow might stop after the first yes 😁
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    @pyaf # indicates a root shell :)
  • 4
    Gf not found...

    Try getting a life before running commands
  • 1

    $ sudo apt install life
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree
    Reading state information... Done
    E: Unable to locate package life

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    @kenogo 😂😂😂
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    @rutee07 Aspiring to be a black widow I see (:
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