
How do people drink coffe black? It feels like my gut will stage a mutiny on me.

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    Me whenever I have to answer why I made black coffee

    "It just made sense to me."
    (Elton John - Live Like Horses)
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    I mainly drink black coffee when there’s no milk in the office
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    more than a habit. it just doesn't taste when mixed.
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    Try a ban on milk in your food pattern
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    @karma then i'd have to ban coffee. Unless bulletproof coffee
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    @adamih bulletproof coffee it is then
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    Also I heard some people put cheese in their coffee 🤯
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    I can't remember the last time when I added anything to my coffee. Brew, pour, drink. Bold and Dark goodness.
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    If I put milk in coffee it's basically a passive aggressive way for me to say the coffee sucks. Milk is there to dull out bitter/burny flavors.

    It's basically like steak sauce. Learn how to make a steak and it stands up on its own. Do a terrible job of it and people will ask for condiments.
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    Drink espresso fam
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    I used to drink cup of coffee with a bit of milk and suggar but when I started to drink real coffee (not the instantaneous and not the cheap ones) I noticed that the taste of the pure coffee is delicious and it's sweet enough for me.
    Of course I still drink the cheap ones (not the cheapest because I don't want to die too soon) because it's a huge difference in price. When I want to taste a coffee, I drink the expensive one.
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    @LuxARTS That makes sence tho. No milk quick blend coffee is like black tar.
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    @Haxk20 milk in general is not that good i think.
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    so dope
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