
My tl sits in The room next to me.
Today he came in to me and asked me how it looked with The release.
I asked him What he meant by that.

"Well, we had release on friday, but you never contacted me about it."

Me: "What? Friday? Since when did we have releases with two weeks inbetween? And why havent I gotten this news?"

Tl: "Well, we don't usualy, but you know... Any way, can you have it done by today?"

Me, 10sec away from a cardiac arrest: "NO, are you insane? You have to tell me about this earlier than the same day."

Tl: "Yeah, but there's been so much work recently.. Well, we'll talk later."


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    And here we are releasing 5-10 times / day ...
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    Eh . Wtf?

    Do they whip you till you do a release every hour?

    I mean... How?
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    1. We are 6 people in the team (so its just 1-2 releases per person / day)
    2. We release as soon as we think we've added some value, no matter how small that value is. (Most releases are less than 50 lines of code changed, some are just 1-2 lines)
    3. Releases are automated, as soon as we push a tag in git the CI starts the build/test/package/deploy process for us

    Ofcourse we also do bigger releases (big new features or products can take longer for an initial release, but even if one or two people are working on a big thing the rest of the team tends to push out smaller improvements, bug fixes and minor features at the same time)
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    @ItsNotMyFault The thing is that we do bigger updates for every release and have had a cycle of 1/month. So the work you take on will last a month at the time. Aparantly they decided that it had to change. Without telling the devs.
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    This is what happens when non-devs are in charge of development.

    You know what also happens?
    Failure. Terrible stability. Bad UX. Endless bugs. Data loss. Pissed off customers. Pissed off developers. Pissed off management.

    It's like socialism: Everything is worse for everyone except the person in power: they can just point fingers and assign blame.
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    @Root Yeah, you're right, and you know the fun part is what I wrote in the beggining. His office is door to door with mine, he could have easily stuck his potatoe in at any second and told me that the release was pushed up.
    Or hell, idk. Emailed, skyped, slacket called, text.
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