
Tip: Find the email of a github user.
Github user page > choose a repository > view code > click commits > click on a commit > add .patch at the end of the url.
This shows email adres of github user who did the commit.
Note: does not work with forked repo’s.

Source : Twitter

  • 9
    Not sure what you're implying here. GitHub doesnt try to secure the address that Git is configured to use; that is on the user and they chose it for their public identity.
  • 3
    Great tip, thanks!

    @tokumei: But it isn't displayed anywhere on GitHub. If you want to contact someone without opening an issue, you'd have to clone a repository and look into the log. At least that's what I did until now.
  • 2
    They should allow better individual contacting on GitHub
  • 1
  • 3
    "Source: Twitter" isn't much more precise than "Source: Internet".
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