I discovered today why IOS is superior to joe public. Sorry but infinitely superior. Android just sucks. end of.

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    Prepares for flameware #290,926,837,937,747,747,626,737,636,747 - it’s popcorn time 😎
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    @C0D4 maybe the kindling was wet
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    Sorry, for the troll type rant but earlier today I went to my friends house, his wife was in panic mode after she realised that 90% of the photos on her phone had just vanished. after numerous attempts and google searches I had to give up in a sweary lets get drunk fashion. I did, however offer to use a hammer on her fingers for having no obvious cloud backup or pc backup of such important files.
    Being an iPhone user I found the whole process of investigation and attempted recovery deeply frustrating and unnecessarily complex and certainly beyond the skill set of Joe public.
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    I wish I could have a Nokia 8210 again.
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    You discovered why, *in your opinion*, iOS is better than Android*

    I've tried it but I just can't work with it. Same for my parents who are much a-technical.
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    @vlatkozelka I need more popcorn 🍿

    Doesn’t Samsung also walk you through the Google setup and backups on initial start?

    I’m an iPhone user but I don’t hate Android, but would surely like to believe all Android phones have a forced or near forced procedure for creating a Google account for backups and the like.
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    @vlatkozelka Pretty much android with a sprinkling of samsung ui on top.
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    @FrodoSwaggins I don't entirely get your point, could you elaborate? :)
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