
Oh for fuck sake android studio... Really?

You can't handle whitespace in a directory...

  • 8
    Holy mother of god. 930GB
  • 17
    @HampusMa welcome to 2010 ;)
  • 0
    @HampusMa What they said ^^

    I nromally install it to my OS drive but thought fuck it, I can't be ass'd redownloading all of the SDK shit when I reset my PC
  • 4
    What pisses me more off is that it can't handle german umlaute like ä/ö/ü in paths because I generally like to just randomly smash my hands on the keyboard when windows asks me for my username during install and in the end I end up with android studio not working
  • 6
    @b3b3 what an insane fuck are you?
  • 0
    Remember, Android SDK extends SDK, so a minor change in directory tree could help
  • 1
    @nitwhiz one that is too lazy to think of a username
  • 0
    @b3b3 use b3b3 then, dangit!
  • 0
    Yeah that's pretty annoying. It's proly not like it's hard to have this particular form use a dirpath with a space in it. It's the builder and whatever other scripts that use that string later for program that have arguments like --pelican_dirs dir1 dir2 dir3

    So they probably can handle it right at the form in the picture but it gets annoying later.
  • 0
    @irene thats the default path on windows though
  • 1
    @irene the android SDK installs it on a path with a space. (or at least two years ago)
  • 0
    Is that an SSD or HDD 1TB
  • 0
    @growling HDD, how rich do you think I am ;-P
  • 0
    @zlice I actually can't remember...
  • 0
    the stock Android Studio Gradle plugin also uses a ProGuard version from 2011, sooo...

    yeah, idk wtf Google is doing there
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