
hi devrant,
I got a new job where I'm required to learn in depth prestashop, anyone know any good resources? the documentation is a bit confusing at this point.
thank you!

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    I have never even heard of this, whatever it may be
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    I’ve never used it but this looks like a compelling place to start

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    I have used it and I'd say to start by asking with details what do they mean by "in depth". It is quite likely that what they are really asking is how to use it in depth as opposed to being a ninja with their API. Or even easier, they might mean to learn how to customize it create a theme.

    Either way, find a way to clarify what they mean because usually the people asking this have no clue what they are asking! 😅🤦‍♂️

    Also, when I needed customizations for prestashop I'd actually hack the heck out of it with jquery or just write plain PHP that would happen before even touching the main PHP.

    In any case, I repeat, ask for clarification... "Learn ps in depth to create a theme?" and if the answer is yes then laugh and go learn bootstrap!

    Good luck!
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    @benj I take a quick look. Pretty much like woo commerce. Is it really a developer job? Seems like a blog manager type of work 🤔
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    @sunfishcc yeah, it's more of a blog management job than anything... But for what is worth @drtokky if the people hiring you don't know what they are talking about use that to your advantage, not my cheating them or some shady way but by learning development stuff (if it calls your attention at all)

    Pick up Rust or Go just because prestashop also has a REST API. Or honestly seems like a good entry-level job but don't limit yourself to it! Learn front-end JS and a framework to use with the store API or whatever! If they don't know what they are talking about you are the one holding most of the cards in your hand, except the money card... some make sure that you are doing what they are asking, but please don't limit yourself to that!
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    @benj is your company using rust or go?
    It’s hard to convince what the benefits are compare with node.js or python?
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    @sunfishcc my current company is using neither 😁

    I was using Rust in my previous work and I'm using Go for side projects.

    The benefits of either is that the performance is not even worth comparing. Also, both being compiled makes deployment a lot simpler, say, upload a bin file and run, no dependencies or anything else needed.

    Something that I appreciated immensely from Rust is cargo which makes package management as easy as using npm.

    Rust is more verbose than either node.js or python because is lower level so that is something to take into consideration.

    It shouldn't be hard to convince yourself of somebody else (project manager?) that Rust is worth using. Find the most computationaly intensive function in python, rewrite it in Rust and be amazed!

    I had a data processing algo that took about 40 secs to complete in node.js using about 400mb of memory (think about a cheap AWS instance)

    In rust it took a little under 3 secs and 16mb of memory!
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    @benj I see, so rust in backend is more like .net rather than node.js and python?
    I can see it’s in the same boat with go.
    Let’s say, if I like to learn a new language and build a backend with Postgresql, Oauth, and have some handy API endpoints. Which one choice I get started, rust or go?
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    @sunfishcc I'd say Go because is more and tested. Think of Rust as a super high performant system programming language that you can write hashing functions for blockchain (seriously, A LOT of the Rust jobs have to do with either blockchain or crypto)

    Sites like AWWY (arewewebyet.org) are tracking the progress of web frameworks and ORM for Rust, but a lot of those are still in early development.

    Go on the other hand was build with network applications in mind. It does have some runtime because of the garbage collector, but that is always being optimized and you can reach very high performance too with Go.

    Check out how easy is to write a REST API with Go in like, 15 lines!
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    @benj api is not the hardest part.
    I always bump into async, set header request, parse session these type of thing when build API in node.js🤦‍♂️
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    @sunfishcc oh boy, you need to take a look then at goroutines!! they are sort of "parallel" execution but a lot simpler. In node.js you have either callback hell and in Rust you need to manually work with mutex and/or semaphores.

    Find a tutorial about goroutines and see how they look to you. I haven't used them myself but I'm excited to!
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    actually, I'm tasked with developing modules and other stuff for prestashop, depending on client needs, the docs are a bit confusing, and there's not a lot of it so, i was wondering if there was any other good resources for that kind of stuff
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    @benj I know how to do it. It just every time when I create a new project I have to copy my own code to get it right🤦‍♂️
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    @sunfishcc not from stack overflow but check into making a template that you can just clone and start a new project. If you wanna be a lil more creative a simple bash script that make a new dir, asks for project name and sets up a new git for the project
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    @benj typescript actually helped more than stack overflow
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