
the truth about python...

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    I'd put Python in the easy to learn, hard to master category. It's easy to get anything running in python (import whatever_i_was_planning_on_doing), but after seeing the code some people do with it, I've lost a lot of faith in it.

    That and the GIL, fuck the GIL. I had my coworkers stunned at how fast my program was running, told them all I did was do things concurrently. They answered "but so did we, we used threads", hehe, git gud scrubs
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    This is indeed true and can also be annoying
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    Ruby is easier, no errors for extra spaces.
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    @M1sf3t ruby is dead, don't bother
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    @Nicci not by a wide fucking margin sonny. Still alive and getting more powerful on each update.
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    @mundo03 and way more expressive and elegant as well. I really love Ruby
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    @M1sf3t dead how?
    Guess you are one of those node guys. Ew.
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    @AleCx04 yes it is!
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    @dUcKtYpEd They used Threads, but with CPython's Interpreter Lock, that just means their tasks are time multiplexed. I keep telling them that if they want proper concurrency, they should use Process (and use pipes to exchange data between processes), but they never listen.

    Silver lining, I have the monopoly of high speed in my team 😛
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    @M1sf3t ah haha sorry, have been fighting a flu for days, I am not paying attention :)

    Do learn ruby, it is awesome
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    @M1sf3t you won't suffer with ruby like when doing node.
    Everything is so easy and straight forward.

    I recommend rubymonk to get started :)
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    @dUcKtYpEd ruby forks beautifuly
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    As @CptFox said: easy to learn, hard to master.
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    I use tabs.
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    *laughs in javascript*
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    So intuitive you have to send yourself to your methods!!

    class Dog:
    def bark(self) :
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    I read through a lot of questions on StackOverflow where people had indentation issues and they never bothered to format their code on a code editor
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    @Sundeep Granted it's only Java, JS and HTML, but the Students for the courses I'm TA in do not care about proper indentation, they use the "beautify" button once in a while and it's horrid every time they ask for help!
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    real ?
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    Undeniably, this statement holds true, often accompanying a sense of annoyance.
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