Why do people put "!rant" at the beginning of their rants? Is it a bug?

  • 9
    = it is not a rant
  • 4
    The ! prefix comes from the != or !== inequality operator.

    ! means invert. So !rant means the post is not a "rant" per say, just a more generic post.
  • 0
    Oh ok thanks
  • 0
    It means rant start or not not a rant (literally a rant).

    Similar to shell scripts
    But without the comment pound tag there, there is confusion about it meaning not like the logical not operation
    If !(not true)

    Basically it means nothing. :)
  • 2
    @rozzzly ! is an unary operator in its own right and just does logical negation of the statement following it in most C-based languages. Because of this many languages allow the syntax (a != b) instead of (!(a == b))

    @arcadesdude most usage on devRant signifies that the following is not a rant, i.e. it's actually something positive
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