
What do you like best/least about Go?

  • 1
    Best: goroutunes, defer, c-like minimalism, awesome build process, super good tools

    Worst: *some* more features would be nice like generics, if you wanna use a struct just once the inline definition is ugly if you don't wanna write a typedef for it, there should be a compiler flag that allows for unused variables/imports (for testing)
  • 1
    @GodlikeBlock Oh yeah, the compilation errors you get just because a variable is unused are ridiculous.
  • 0
    @gintko Is that actually best practice? Just ignore that best practice and name the variables properly, just like everyone else on GitHub does.
  • 0
    Good: channels, public/private convention
    Bad: no Overloading or presetting certain arguments(i prefer the last), i miss __doc__ from Python. Also everything from @GodlikeBlock
  • 0
    It’s easy, lightweight and fast. And I like channels and Go routines.

    Currently I’m using it not that much, so I have that problems (for now).
  • 2
    Definitely the gopher mascots. Also goroutines and channels are cool.. but not as cool as the gophers.

    Man. I fucking love those little guys.
  • 0
    @gintko link to where it says to name variables one letter? I call bullshit.
  • 1
    @gintko wtf... I mean it does say to use descriptive names if the variable has big scope, but still wtf.. I prefer lineCount to c...
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