
Me when my teacher told us we're only gonna learn about Microsoft Server because that's all we need

  • 4
    That's all you need to be taught - you can learn the rest on your own in half the time.
  • 0
    But Microsoft is not all you need. We only learn one site and that's not the Point of school where you should get ready for different jobs
  • 1
    @unnamed Microsoft isn't all you need, but in my experience, I learned all of the core concepts on a Microsoft environment. Once you have the theory, translating it to the countless number of platforms and frameworks was easy.

    I've answered many interview questions with: "I don't know how to do that in Apache, but in Microsoft IIS you..."
  • 5
    All you need is love...
  • 6
    Your teacher probably also voted for Trump.
  • 3
    Your teacher sounds like a DON! 🕶
  • 1
    I learned writing C and FORTRAN for physics simulations in college two years ago. FORTRAN MIND YOU! It's all transferable skills once you learn any stack. (And yes, FORTRAN isn't dead!)
  • 3
    So you can learn to host php sites like Wordpress in IIS
    Stupid teacher
  • 2
    Run. Now. Don't look back.
  • 2
    @VenomCLC I don't know that linux distribution, but sounds good... I'll try it out
  • 0
    @DLMousey Your post started off well, then suddenly went downhill very quickly.
  • 0
    @DLMousey Probably. But I'm a Microsoft fan boy so...
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