
Trying to make android system rw on a rooted phone, but it doesn't allow me. FML. Hiw am I going to block YouTube ads now?

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    Ugh, I wish I had root access. DAMN YOU KNOX!
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    try mount -o remount,rw /system

    @kevbost yeah that's my problem also, it comes in handy to lock people out important stuff
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    @jckimble gives the same error, mount not allowed. i am starting to think sony blokked this command in the rom.
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    You know root access is gained by exploiting vulnerabilities in the OS, right? You can't just mount the filesystem and change it to r/w to gain root.
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    @drRoss I already have root access. But no write access to the system which is weird.
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    Fixed root permissions with kingroot. Now I can write stuff again. (host files for adAway)
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    Use busybox and supersu, if you've already got root access
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