
This is my message to that particular developer of Microsoft who made a change in the Win32 API but was too lazy to update the MSDN doc:

FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU. You wasted 3 days of mine and I had to find your fucking change by looking into the source code.

  • 9
    Imagine thousands of devs, struggling with the same problem due to a lack of documentation.

    He probably wasted one human life.
  • 7
    @orijin Exactly man. I had to trace the call stack all the way down to somewhere that I could normally never check. If I ignored that comment chances are I would be stuck in that for another week. This developer does not deserve any cookies in their life
  • 4
    @tahnik Documentation saves lifes!
  • 4
    @Letmecode Think of the poor soul who has to clean up afterwards!
  • 1
    IDK, I've come to expect poor documentation from Microsoft.
  • 2
    Dude I can totally feel your pain. Can you named that function so that some of us may avoid reliving your nightmare?
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